Licensee Search
Business Entity Status

To check the status of a business entity, enter the entity name, license number or the city and state. To perform a more specific search choose a specific license type. The search results may take a few minutes depending on the search criteria entered. If searching by the business entity name, it must be typed in (either in part or in full) as it appears on the license with no punctuation. License information is current as of Thursday, July 25, 2024

If you are a consumer looking for a health insurance navigator, click here.

If you are looking for a navigator or assister for enrollment in the marketplace (exchange) , please click below under "License type." Please note that according to Pennsylvania law, navigators and exchange assisters are registered with the state and not licensed. Navigators and exchange assisters may help consumers with the insurance marketplace but may not sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance contracts.

Search by License Number
License Number:   (Must be all numbers)

Search by License Type / Name / City / State
License Type:
Insurance Type:
Business Entity Name: (see note)
City: (see note)
State: (required)
Note: You must supply the business name or the city name. You may supply both names.